About Us

Casa Pennington is one of the best fine-dining restaurants in town; with over 10 years of experiences, we are dedicated to deliver the high quality foods and services to satisfy your fine dining experiences. 


Our innovative cuisines are rich in taste, natural, and refreshing; ranges from seasonal Seafood, exclusive fine wines, and desserts from around the world. Known for our outstanding customer services, we ensure you to have a memorable fine-dining experience.


Casa Pennington is the ideal place for food connoisseurs, and your friend to share an enjoyable time.



Casa Pennington 一直致力為愛好美食及講求食物質素的顧客塑造不同的餐廳。讓顧客在享用精彩美食之餘更

可感受親切舒適的用膳環境。餐廳當然以新鮮為主打, 包括蝦蟹類 , 具殼類及魚類 選擇可謂五花八門。


Casa Pennington 本著待客以誠這個宗旨,並以超水準的食物、簡約舒適的環境和殷勤的服務,
